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  • chirpie
    Apr 13, 11:40 AM
    I'm not too familiar with the FC app, but I'm wondering if this FCSX is the newer version of the previous $999 application... Why'd they drop the price by ~$700?

    That's not quite right.

    The $999 application wasn't just an application, it was a suite of applications.

    Motion, Compressor, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro... all of these apps were part of that $999 umbrella.

    That's why I'm surprised people are amazed by the price... it used to be this price when it was standalone a few years back.

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  • blue globe world map Stock

  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 01:19 AM
    WTF? Who said that anyone should be copulating in public? You have completely lost this argument at this point. Not to mention your mind...This has just gotten stupid.
    I'm commenting on arbitrary rules
    You're joking right? That's a heck of a statement you make there. Is that based on any fact? Or just your ignorance?

    I'm assuming that by stability you mean children?
    relationships built on love in general are less stable, cf. US divorce rate.
    Marriage should be about more than love, the people should be fully committed to working through problems instead of divorce. My Grandfather's wedding was arranged, this year they are celebrating 50 years of marriage and they love each other. Love can grow or even start if nurtured.
    The Constitution of the United States forbids tyranny of the majority by denying the government the power to deprive anyone of liberty without a compelling state interest in doing so. A powerful majority may not simply outlaw an unpopular minority.

    However it isn't tyranny because the government isn't actually depriving them of liberty, merely not supporting them.

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  • Digital World Map Globe

  • TimUSCA
    Sep 20, 02:01 PM
    TiVo will also charge you $12.95 every month (or $299 every two years) for the rest of your life for the privilege of using their box.

    It used to be $300 for a lifetime subscription on TiVo... they took it away though.

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  • world map globe template.

  • Cyrax
    Apr 6, 10:45 AM
    I just switched. Like, a week ago.

    1. Expose + Spaces are GREAT window managers. I took to both like ducks to water.

    2. Spotlight is pretty awesome and intuitive. However, Win 7 has features like that integrated.

    3. I never used the Explorer, always just navigated through folders one by one (bad habit, I guess). So Finder has been a bit of a learning curve especially since the opening folders behavior is not quite the same. Like when you double click on a new folder a new window opens up.

    4. No registry is great. Installing/uninstalling apps is clean and efficient. Just the way it should be.

    5. The Dock is a mess. Of course, this is nothing new. Many, many people have spent tons of time talking about it. However, it is fairly intuitive and simple to use. It's also very tweakable for those who want to do it. I guess that's why Apple has kept it around.

    6. I like how Mac OS X keeps all the power user features out there and accessible. Automator for example. OS X looks nice and is easy to use but is actually extremely flexible and powerful. Windows, of course, you can do a lot to tweak it, but it just doesn't feel the same.

    7. Quicktime-stuff and iTunes run MUCH better on the Mac. No surprise there.

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  • world map globe template.

  • PsyD4Me
    May 7, 11:03 PM
    I don't understand why someone would stay with AT&T if they are having so many dropped calls. With Verizon offering phones like the Droid Incredible and Motorola Droid it is possible to switch to a more reliable carrier and still have an "iPhone like" experience. I don't see the iPhone coming to Verizon anytime soon. If you really want an iPhone then just get a Touch and get a Verizon Android phone to go with it.

    Of course it is your money, but I would be upset if I was paying my phone bill every month and not getting reliable service.

    There's just nothing like the iPhone experience

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  • at World+map+globe+outline

  • warmseth
    Apr 12, 11:28 PM
    Ugh... you guys speak as if you are all full-time film editors...

    The new features are amazing! The hall that they presented at, well they were pretty much all "pros" in the industry. They were all pretty much PSYCHED about these features..

    For what it's worth, I'm a film production major...

    I AM a full time film editor and I'm very disappointed by the imovie-esque move. There were a slew of features that REAL editors have been asking for for YEARS (better media management, better multi-user shared projects, and (FOR GOD'S SAKE) better trimming ability. Apple said "nah, f that" and just made iMovie with many of FCP's pro features.

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  • World+map+globe+template

  • dnedved
    Sep 12, 04:39 PM
    This is the device I've been waiting for 2+ years for Apple to come out with. Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans. This hasn't just killed the current Tivo, this has killed the gen4 Tivo that isn't even out yet. It's stolen its thunder by at least a year if not much more.

    It's been obvious for awhile now that Tivo has been moving in their slow ponderous way towards a method of content delivery over internet. They have been doing it for ads for years now, and they want to do it with content so bad they can taste it. They hired a key guy from bittorrent several years ago, but haven't done anything impressive since. They want it, but with it taking them 3 years to go with cable card and dual tuner, they just aren't able to get their act together in time.

    Apple has played their cards exactly right. They've done what Tivo, Netflix, Microsoft, Sony, and Blockbuster would all give their collective left nut to do. They've done what every local cable company and even every media mogul SHOULD have been laying awake worrying about, which is to have made them irrelevant in one fell swoop. Not to every single consumer by a long shot, but to a significant demographic of tech-savvy consumers who know what they want and will shift paradigms to get it.

    As much as I want this right this very second, waiting for 802.11n is the right thing to do and I'm glad Apple did it. I don't have a TV, but I'll buy a 20" monitor and one of these the day it comes out. I'll buy a second one and a projector as soon as possible afterwards.

    This is going to be a much bigger deal than the iPod, and that's saying a lot.

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  • World+map+globe+template

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 22, 08:09 PM
    I consider myself an atheist who tries to back up my points with facts. I've seen most other posters who are atheists do the same. I hope you are wrong about it being a "trendy" thing to do but I do hope more people see the reasoning behind atheism and join us for the correct reasons. As far as agnostics go, I know the difference between us and I couldn't care less....close enough in my eyes!!!! An atheist and an agnostic arguing to me is like hearing a Catholic and a Protestant argue....such a small difference in something so important.

    To be fair there are both agnostic atheists and agnostic theists. I would assume most atheists fall in the former category.

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  • Sticker world map,globe with

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 8, 11:24 PM
    Great news. Bring on more Infinity Blade-esque games! :D

    Yeah, a million FPS clones on a 3.5" touchscreen sounds just greeaaat :rolleyes:

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  • World Map Globe Collection

  • phpmaven
    May 2, 11:17 AM
    Wow, all of the people at Intego must be high fiving each other left and right today. They finally have some tangible reason for people to buy their product. :D

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  • Globe on World Map PowerPoint

  • OneMike
    May 2, 09:09 AM
    significant, but you have to install

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  • world map template background

  • ratzzo
    Apr 20, 08:45 PM
    I guess, the "learning curve." While the OS can perform the same functions as say, Windows, things may not be where you'd normally look for them as, granted, you're on another platform now. But Apple does great in this sense, by adding a search function to most OS options (System Preferences).

    I guess the other thing you might not like might be the fact that, after switching, you will want (or try) to keep up with Apple yearly hardware updates :p

    world map globe template. World Map Globe PowerPoint
  • World Map Globe PowerPoint

  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:12 PM
    Originally posted by Abercrombieboy
    Alex ant has made some good points on why Macs are a poor buy. They are so much slower and less stable then PC's these days according to everything I read.
    Macs aren't a poor buy, though... they're only a poor buy if your primary concern is maximum performance. I doubt they're any less stable than PCs. They are slower, but in my experience they are much more enjoyable computers to use. You will have to weigh your need for performance against this.

    world map globe template. WORLD MAP GLOBE TEMPLATE

  • Analog Kid
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Until they get the 45nm process up and going, I think this is going to be the top of the line. 4 cores topping out around the mid 2GHz range.

    I wonder if this is Intel's long term strategy-- keep the cores relatively untouched, but double the number with each process step. That'll be entertaining for a generation or so, but they're going to have to come up with something else.

    My bet? Specialized cores. You've got some that are optimized for floating point, some for application logic, some for media. This is where Cell gets it right, I think-- they're a step too far ahead for now though.

    Biggest problem is getting the system to know what threads to feed to what core, and to get application writers to specialize their threads.

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  • World Map - Globe Bundle

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 27, 04:30 PM
    But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field. If someone proves that Nicolosi is mistaken, maybe no one will need to attack him.

    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?

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  • 2011 Calendar Template Vector

  • ohio.emt
    May 5, 12:02 PM
    I haven't had any dropped calls yet. I think the problem is more the iPhone, than AT&T's network . If I drive out of 3G service my iPhone drops service and says no service on it, doesn't revert to the Edge network most times. I have to turn 3G off or turn airplane mode of then on to get service on Edge. IMHO apple needs to fix the software in order to make the switch to and from Edge and 3G like other phone, no drop in service it just switches over. Sitting at home if I turn 3G on I get 3G signal and speed with 4 bars, but after about 5 minutes it switches to Edge. Any other phone besides the iPhone stays on 3G.

    world map globe template. World+map+globe+template
  • World+map+globe+template

  • ryme4reson
    Oct 12, 05:49 PM
    Can some1 run this from within VPC. I believe that VPC is supposed to emulate the 486, so I am interested in finding out if they process is handled different, even though its a G4. Sure it will not be fast (emulatin) but i would be interested in seeing the results.

    EDIT: ddtlm, are you interested in helping me with X86 assembly? I would be willing to pay for your time. Email me at or IM me at ryme4reson (AOL) Thanks

    world map globe template. World+map+globe+view
  • World+map+globe+view

  • DeepDish
    Aug 29, 11:26 AM
    How come Dells last half as long? Because they're "better made"? Do they not actually function any more? Or is it that you don't throw and Apple out because of sentimentality?

    The only reason we\ve dumped computers at work is because they're not worth upgrading. In the last six months that's included one dell, two PowerMac G4s (although I claimed them) and six iMac G3s. They simply weren't up to (business) task anymore. The oldest computer we have in the office is actually a Dell that we use for one program.

    Not out of sentimentality. The other pcs are so cheap, sometimes it is easier to just buy a new one.

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  • about world map globe blue

  • bingo1234
    Sep 21, 03:26 AM
    airport express and airtunes allowed streaming content to a stereo. this just adds video function. that's it. if there is a hd it's for buffer and basic OS/ navigation.

    still a very cool solution to sending content

    Apr 24, 01:53 PM
    If I told you I were a homosexual would that discredit or vindicate my views? Would it make them more... acceptable?

    I'm just trying to find out how much you really love freedom.

    So what is it?

    Thumbs up for giving gays the freedom to legally commit themselves to a life-long partnership?

    Or thumbs down?

    Apr 20, 05:26 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    Zero on both platforms? If they exists in 2.021

    Aug 29, 11:58 AM
    A lot of people seem to believe Greenpeace has fabricated their data. (Which would be pretty stupid since it can be checked!) But if so, why not put Dell at the bottom for publicity purposes? That makes more sense than Acer if this is all lies instead of research.

    And I don't see people offering their OWN research :rolleyes: People are just saying Greenpeace is lying because they WANT it to be lies.

    I sympathize. I want Apple AND the rest to be at the top of the scale. I want it all to be lies.

    But wanting something is not enough to change reality.

    Luckily, there IS something that can change reality: ACTUAL change. THAT is what will make the Greenpeace-phobes right: when Apple and the others change to become what you wish they already were. We all wish it, and I believe it will happen. Recognizing the problems is an unpleasant but necessary step on the way.

    Apr 24, 01:44 PM
    If it weren't a generous attitude I would call it naive. People following the Jewish or the Christian faith to a tee can be just as threatening to everyone's freedom and all-around democracy p just look at your own doorstep. It takes a secular Jew, Christian or even Islamist (of which there are more than you would think) to fit that bill.

    I've explained somewhere else why there can never be an Islamic reformation unless they go against the teachings of the qur'an, which would be blasphemy because it's the literal word of god etc etc etc.

    Truly secular islamists/moderates are extremists in the eyes of the major Islamic schools...

    Christianity has been neutered thanks to the reformation and the enlightenment. We don't have anything more to fear from it ever gaining ascendancy again but please do correct me if I'm wrong.

    And you then go on to explain how this doesn't exist in a church which is neither fundamentalist nor Protestant. I'm still at odds as to what point you are trying to make?

    Wouldn't you consider the Orthodox Church to be fundamentalist? I thought fundamental meant basic... The Orthodox Church predates the Catholic Church...

    Apr 22, 10:51 PM
    Also, the existence of a creator doesn't mean that there is an afterlife for any human.

    or vice versa for that matter.

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