
the world is yours gif

the world is yours gif. the world is yours blimp. in
  • the world is yours blimp. in

  • Hastings101
    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

    I don't think it's really worth it. Windows 7 and Snow Leopard are so close together in quality that OS X is no longer obviously the better operating system (in my opinion of course). It's also a pain to have to replace your entire collection of Windows applications with Mac versions or Mac alternatives.

    The only reason I still use OS X is because I like the look of it, I like that there are (at the moment) less viruses/trojans/whatevers, and I have way too many Mac only applications that I depend on.

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours scarface
  • the world is yours scarface

  • beatle888
    Mar 20, 08:24 PM
    I think it's a great convenience. I'm just saying that the inevitable wrath-of-God response from Apple is somewhat unwarranted.

    somewhat unwarranted? so apple should be passive, lay like a female dog and just take it in submissive glory? i think steves more of a man.

    the world is yours gif. And finally the Tata Sky Plus
  • And finally the Tata Sky Plus

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 12:28 AM
    You just quoted me as saying something I did not say. Please correct it.
    I'm sorry. I will correct it.

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours chain.
  • the world is yours chain.

  • ~Shard~
    Nov 1, 01:20 PM
    Just who will write the programs for all this parallel processing? It's not simple and full of crashes as one core competes with memory etc. I believe it will be a long time before programming will catch up to these processors. That doesn't make them worth the money just yet.;)

    Evidently you haven't read the myriad of posts in this thread regarding multi-threaded workflows... :rolleyes: :cool:

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours blimp.
  • the world is yours blimp.

  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 11:13 PM
    To top it off, compared to all atheists, I'm an illiterate, illogical, southern-bred moron and I will never be able to make an educated decision for myself.

    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:

    I'm sorry to hear that you are illiterate and southern-bred :(

    I can't relate to the acronym ACT, but I hope it's not the same as an IQ test in terms of how the score is computed.

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours blimp.
  • the world is yours blimp.

  • nick9191
    Apr 22, 11:44 PM
    I disagree.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

    I don't think atheism is a belief system, but it requires belief. Not believing in a god requires believing there isn't a god. You could say I'm just twisting words there.

    I agree on all your points. I just can't bring myself to completely deny the existence of god, not through fear, but through fear.. of insulting my own intelligence. We can't prove god exists or doesn't exist, it seems impossible that we ever will. So I don't deny the existence of god, I do think it's unlikely and illogical, hence why I lean towards atheism (agnostic atheist).

    the world is yours gif. Mine..the World is Yours!
  • Mine..the World is Yours!

  • skunk
    Mar 27, 04:38 AM
    That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another language. If I'm only beginning to learn French, I may say something that may be ungrammatical literally meaningless. But my teacher or another expert in the French language may know what it is I'm trying to say with it. Skunk seems to be talking mostly about a signifier, the group of words, when I'm talking mostly about what Caocao intended to signify with it. You have completely missed the point.

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours motorhead.
  • the world is yours motorhead.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 23, 04:14 PM
    No, the basis of Christianity is the Old and New Testaments.

    The Old and New Testaments make up the Bible :confused:

    I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here.

    the world is yours gif. THE WORLD IS YOURS

  • Caliber26
    Apr 15, 09:59 AM
    So you would rather the message be:
    "(Don't) Go ahead,(and) be gay. It's (not) perfectly fine."

    Good god!
    It is not a prison sentence!
    "Embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle" ? :confused::confused:
    Such as?

    What an astonishingly bleak world view you have.

    I rather there be NO message... whether it's to encourage or discourage this lifestyle. Go ahead and support the no-bullying stuff, but there's no need to highlight the gay agenda. There is bullying on so many levels, yet the gay thing seems to be the fad these days. It's almost as if they're trying to recruit more and more people. You'd have to be blind to not see that! If you're gay, you're gay and you will eventually come to being your own person. One doesn't need all these videos and ads giving us the "it's okay to be gay, let's do this!" pep talk. F that! And I can say so because I *am* gay.

    As for your second, point: you obviously must not know very many gay people, personally. This lifestyle does not come without baggage and high-priced trade offs. Anyone who says there's no inconveniences and struggles with being gay/lesbian is full ****.

    the world is yours gif. the world is yours
  • the world is yours

  • Gelfin
    Mar 26, 07:30 PM
    I'm inarticulate. Well, if it is extending benefits heterosexual marriages then examine why it is doing so and then see what the differences between a heterosexual marriage and a homosexual marriage would be.

    The reason you are telling me to do that is because you cannot. Neither can the government. That's why it is wrong.

    Nearly forty years ago psychologists declared homosexuality was not a mental illness. Nearly ten years ago the Supreme Court ruled that the government has no authority to criminalize consensual sexual acts between any two people, regardless of gender, in the privacy of their own homes. The state of the art in science and law once provided justification for the discrimination you want. Neither does any longer. It is no longer understood to be the case that homosexuality entails a necessary harm to the participants or anyone else. Quite the contrary, same-sex couples are known to form loving, supportive, monogamous relationships every bit as profound as those enjoyed between men and women.

    This being so, the government has an obligation to prove that this distinction has not outlived its legal relevance. Hint: it has.

    the world is yours gif. #39;scarface: the world is yours#39;
  • #39;scarface: the world is yours#39;

  • fxtech
    Apr 28, 08:16 AM
    Next year you will see iPhones and iPods counted too. I mean you need to do all you can to make it look good to shareholders.

    Why not? After all, isn't an iPod Touch just a small iPad?

    the world is yours gif. SOULJA BOY World is Yours
  • SOULJA BOY World is Yours

  • Kilamite
    Apr 28, 07:22 AM
    Guessing 2012 see Apple shift up again? Redesigned MacBook Pro's, retina display iPad 3..

    the world is yours gif. Blingees »: the world is yours
  • Blingees »: the world is yours

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 01:44 PM
    To be fair, I knew what you meant with your comment, but frankly there wasn't any sarcasm in my statement. You were attempting to defend your earlier poorly-constructed post, and I was bemused by it.

    I'm sorry I misinterpreted your post, SC. But if you put your mouse cursor on this :rolleyes: smiley, you'll see the word "Sarcastic."

    the world is yours gif. THE WORLD IS YOURS

  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:13 PM
    Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe) will launch in 2.66GHz, 2.4GHz, 2.13GHz, and 1.86GHz flavors. With 2.66GHz and 2.4GHz with 4MB shared L2 cache and the 2.13GHz and 1.86GHz models with 2MB shared L2 cache. There will also be a Core 2 Extreme at 2.93GHz with 4MB shared L2 cache. All will run on a 1066MHz frontside bus.
    The current list of core 2 microprocessors includes:

    Conroe: Core 2 Duo
    1066 Mt/S FSB, 4MB L2 cache:
    E6600 2.4GHz
    E6700 2.66GHz
    Release on both: July 27th

    Core 2 Extreme
    1066mt/s FSB, 4mb L2 cache:
    X6800 2.93GHz- July 27th
    X6900 3.2GHz (no release date yet, expected by end of 2006)

    Allendale: core 2 duo
    1066 Mt/S FSB, 2MB L2 cache
    E6500 2.4GHz- Q4 2006
    E6400 2.13GHz- July 27th
    E6300 1.86GHz- July 27th
    E6200 1.6GHz- Q4 2006

    800Mt/s FSB, 2MB L2 Cache
    E4200 1.6GHz- Q4 2006.

    the world is yours gif. View the world worldthe world
  • View the world worldthe world

  • goobot
    Apr 20, 06:08 PM
    did anyone ask anything about hspa+?

    the world is yours gif. The world is yours.
  • The world is yours.

  • lilo777
    Apr 28, 03:18 PM
    Huh? A 2008 MBP should have no problem running iTunes.

    You keep forgetting that most people run Windows on their Mac computers and iTunes on Windows is junk (yeah, Apple demands that others - like Adobe - optimize their software, if only they did that themselves).

    the world is yours gif. andr The+world+is+yours+
  • andr The+world+is+yours+

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 04:08 PM

    Basically just run this:
    defaults write LSQuarantine -bool NO
    Didn't you read this?

    Until then, I just discovered that this terminal command will do the trick:

    defaults write LSQuarantine -bool NO

    the world is yours gif. smile and the world is yours
  • smile and the world is yours

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 08:50 AM
    I have one of these devices, it's excellent. Especially with the user community at

    There's some good info on using one with a Mac here

    The stock EPG on the unit is a bit crufty but it's deffinetly improving. I'd recommend one to anyone looking for a decent PVR.

    I'm glad I piped up about this now, thanks for that info tyr2.

    the world is yours gif. the world record yours?
  • the world record yours?

  • Multimedia
    Nov 2, 09:10 PM
    That's the Kentsfield chip not the Clovertown (Xeon) CPU but the benchmarks are interesting.

    Just as expected the Quad cores are only going to be a big improvement for the software that can utilize them. Software will catch up with multicores, hopefully by Q2 07 when I'll be buying a new machine.A significant amount of multimedia related software already will use more than two cores and can be run simultaneously to easily hose an 8-core Mac Pro now.

    Oct 8, 05:34 PM
    Linux runs programs faster than windows on intel hardware so Apple has a fast OS, just not fast hardware. Mac are the fastest in things like MP3 encoding, MPEG4/DIVX encoding and photoshop. But PCs are faster in games and 3D graphics. I have top of the range Macs and PCs at home and have done the tests. But the Macs speed is all thanks to AltiVec, if not a $1000 PC would be faster in PhotoShop than a top of the range Mac.

    Apr 20, 07:35 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    Look, I have used several android phones due to changing networks a few times over the last year. And I will say this, an Android phone cannot last 2 days even on sleep mode. U put ur phone on ur desk unplugged at night with 100% battery, and by the morning, it will mysteriously go down to 60-70%. And trust me, I know everything about android from rooting, to roms, to kernals, so I know I am not doing anything dumb like leaving bunch of apps open and running.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 02:23 AM
    Hard to tell that, when you quote one of the critics in your post. :rolleyes:
    I just love the :cool: expression on this :rolleyes: guy's sarcastic face. Thanks. :D

    May 5, 12:49 PM
    AT&T should be embarrassed. Seriously, I had Sprint PCS in the late 90's that had much better call performance than AT&T does today. Having been with Verizon prior to switching to AT&T to get the iPhone I used to think the device was the problem but it's clear it's AT&T.

    Worst part is that I got an email from AT&T just last week saying they just "completed a major upgrade" in Chicago. I'm still getting dropped calls left and right and 3G isn't that great either. And this is AFTER the upgrade??

    Apr 9, 11:32 AM
    I do think the market can sustain 4 companies, perhaps even especially the casual market which is significantly larger. I would challenge you to answer why you think the smaller top-end console market can sustain 2 large players, but the broader casual market could not?

    I think the difference here is that Apple represents casual gaming, perhaps on a level that's greater than Nintendo. It was divide and conquer last generation. The "hardcore" players chose between the XBOX 360 and the PlayStation 3, while Nintendo opened a new market with casual gaming.

    Like mentioned in my previous post, Radio survived the invention of the television. Nintendo could survive Apple's entry into gaming. Yet, I think it means harder times for Nintendo. In addition to competing over price, Nintendo has to compete for the player's time.

    With the Internet, free casual games like FarmVille / CityVille, cheap iOS games, cheap Android games... even Microsoft trying to make something happen in Mobile... there are a lot of big guns in this arena.

    I bought Super Mario Bros. Wii and I thought it was a great game. But soon after, having completed every possible objective in the game, I realized that it was expensive. The game just sits idle now... a $40-$50 dust collector. That's basically the overall fate for my Wii. It's not because I'm a casual gamer. It's because I'm tired of spending so much money for such a short entertainment experience.

    While you might look down on the nine games I got for less than $10, I think it's great. I'm more likely to play Fruit Ninja and Tiny Wings than Super Mario Bros Wii. So, for approximately $40 less, I got more entertainment value from my iOS games... and many of these games are being updated. Is Nintendo going to go back and release a patch for the pixelation problem I see in the background of Super Mario Bros Wii?

    I think Apple is better for the gaming industry... and I think the results of future competition will reflect that. I don't see the logic in how Nintendo stays the dominate player in the industry when Apple is making so many smart moves for gaming.

    Game Center... GREAT!
    iTunes App Store games... Awesome for me, as a developer and a consumer
    iPhone 4... awesome!
    Xcode / GameSalad... great!

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