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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    The real point is that the "Judaeo-Christian God" is not Judaeo-Christian at all, but the chief god of the Ugaritic pantheon, and no more "real" than Zeus, Jupiter, Horus or Astarte.

    No, please stop spamming this everywhere. The Judaeo-Christian God has certain attributes which I listed. Does this Ugaritic God share the same attributes, ie omniscience, omnipotence, omnibenevolence?

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 05:08 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    I agree 100%. Wireless loses to wired everytime. In addition before too long there are going to be so many 80211 type devices, and phones that soon the bandwidth will get crowded and error prone.

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  • tigress666
    Apr 10, 12:25 PM
    Trying to use a finger controlled touch screen as the new answer to everything, and young people thinking this is right, in a way reminds me of being at work.

    No one is saying it is best for everything.

    What I am saying is that while it may not be as good as actual buttons, it is still fun even with the virtual joysticks. And honestly, when we're talking handheld games, you already are compromising ease of control for that portability. I've never had a handheld game system that was as ergonomic as a dedicated controller on a console system.

    You make compromises for that portability (smaller screen, not as powerful hardware, form of the controller is dictated by the fact it has to accommodate a screen). Of the things I listed right there, the hardware is the one most likely that they can maybe stop compromising on but the other stuff is going to get sacrificed for having a small, all in one, handheld system.

    Look, I know what you are saying. I completely agree (I use the same argument why a touchscreen keyboard will not replace an actual physical keyboard. Just cause it is newer tech does not make it better).

    But what some of us are saying is that for the advantages (Some of which really have nothing to do with the touchscreen really, like the cheap prices of games on the iphone), the compromise is worth it. I have played games that I will fully agree buttons would be better. But for the fact that I have these games on my iphone that is with me everywhere and is more portable than any of the handhelds I've seen and are cheaper plus I don't have to take a whole bunch of cartridges to have all my games with me, the compromise is worth it. And the virtual joystick and buttons don't ruin my enjoyment of the game (but I agree buttons would make it better).

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  • faroZ06
    May 2, 06:46 PM
    Except this is not a virus. Some of you guys need a course on malware terminology. This is a trojan at best. Spyware at worst. Hardly a virus.

    Exactly, everyone always talks about Macs being susceptible to viruses and viruses already existing for Macs, then they give the whole "market share" speech. I'm just sitting here virus and malware free laughing :p and most likely will be even if Apple gains market share. I'm a halftime Windows user, and I see soooo many security problems in it, but the MS fanboys blame market share!

    I will say that market share DOES up the number of attacks on something, which is why Windows gets attacked so much, but it's also much much easier to attack than Mac OS.

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  • stoid
    Mar 18, 10:04 AM
    I'm just saying that the inevitable wrath-of-God response from Apple is somewhat unwarranted.

    More like the wrath-of-Jobs! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement. Here in music where Apple is the most popular and widely used, they are getting hacked (semi-successfully) more often than their WMA counterpart.

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  • manman
    Mar 18, 02:28 PM
    You get what you deserve and for those of you who kept telling others about an Unlock and to suffer the consequences, KARMA.


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  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 04:56 PM
    wind is not considered fine. We can only count on about 30% of it at any one time. Biggest plus they provide us is that it reduces the stress on our other systems. They allow other power planets to run at lower points and not burn as much fuel.
    30% is not considered a good back bone.

    Energy storage is yes a problem. We can store some but it is not cost effective.

    Yes at present, the U.S. for instance could provide reliable wind sources easily all it requires is investment,do you know how much investment would be needed to go nuclear,bloody huge,30% of a huge spread of windfarms would be fine.Plus there are other alternative sources that can make the system more robust,what's needed is a long term fix not short term profits.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 13, 12:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Just left. Waiting at the airport with some huge questions as a commercial editor. No talk of motion. If it's an app store download might be a small program no motion presets or content. I honestly wonder if there is a tape capture window. I didn't see a filters tab XML support or any kind os manager. Seems you edit color and export. I'm hoping it was just the sneakest of peeks and that there's a lot more hiding in there. Otherwise I'm holding onto fcp7 for dear life. Anyone else notice it's fcp x. No pro mentioned.


    "The new version of Final Cut Pro has been renamed to "Final Cut Pro X" and is described as a complete rewrite of the original application. "

    Only thing that's changed in the name is the number. What do you think FCP stands for?

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  • ATD
    Sep 26, 04:15 PM
    2nd Story: Pixar announces that it is increasing its movie release schedule from one movie every two years to a movie every two days :)

    I'm sure the studios are drooling for a 80 core model, it would make rendering a lot faster. I heard that Monsters Inc had single frames that took up to 90 hours to render. :eek:

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 28, 04:58 PM
    Maybe Apple will replace the 2.0 and 2.6 models with the 1 new quad-core Clovertown. They are probably less expensive for 1 than 2 Woodcrests. This would allow Apple to drop the entry level pricing and raise the bar so to speak.

    Standard configuration:
    One 2.66GHz Quad-core Intel Xeon "Clovertown" processor
    2GB memory (4 x 512MB) 667MHz DDR2 fully-buffered DIMM ECC
    NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics with 256MB memory
    250GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s 7200-rpm hard drive
    16x double-layer SuperDrive

    Configurations — Low to High
    - One 2.3GHz Quad-core Intel Xeon "Clovertown" processor (subtract $299)
    - Standard configuration
    - Two 3.0GHz Dual-core Intel Xeon "Woodcrest" processors (add $799)
    - Two 2.6GHz Quad-core Intel Xeon "Clovertown" processors (add $1,399)

    What do you think?Not likely as all four in one would have to share one FSB instead of two in two each having their own FSB. While the 8-core owners will have to live with this limitation, I doubt the 4-core buyers would want theirs running that way. That would make the older 4-core Mac Pros run faster than the new ones. Not progress.

    We are now less than four weeks away from Black Friday. So it's all very exciting. I imagine Apple will be able to add this choice the same day Intel makes release official. So watching for Intel's release day is key. I believe I read some post that said it would be mid November. Anyone know exactly?

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  • laprej
    Oct 7, 10:47 AM
    I realize that Android is supposed to be awesome, and it is fairly nice having programmed for it in the past. But the openness to which they refer in the article is really a fault in this case and not a benefit.

    For example, every phone manufacturer is going to have their own set of features. Some may have cameras, vibration, video playback, etc. With the iPhone, you know exactly what is there and what the device you're targeting can do. You can build better applications to utilize the specific hardware.

    Apple takes some heat for having vendor lock-in, but it allows them to release beautiful hardware that just works whether it's phones or computers. It's not Windows code that gives BSODs but third-party drivers most of the time.

    Android may end up taking some market share, but I doubt that it will beat the iPhone or Blackberry.

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 21, 05:37 PM
    So now you are justifying your reason for stealing music. You can afford a Macbook Air but you can't afford a $1 for music. You really put in prespective the brillance and intelligence that is Fandroids.

    Yes, it's because I like Android that I choose to torrent my music, brilliant logic there. :rolleyes:

    You are a horribly immoral person.

    I don't steal big macs from your place of work. Get a grip on your attitude.

    Stay with your inferior Android devices. Nobody cares about the only thing you can cite that is better is that you are better capable of breaking the law and stealing from other people.

    I could cite a thousand reasons why I choose to use Android over iOS, but since my opinion isn't in line with yours it wouldn't matter because you're a close minded Apple fanboy. And insinuating that I work at McDonald's was very clever, kudos to you. :)

    If you don't mind, what's your stance on Arizona's Immigration Law on illegals?

    I don't have enough posts yet to comment on this bud, see you when I hit 100.

    No worries gwangung - anyone who admits to listening to Lil Wayne isn't worth your time lol

    Yes, anyone who listens to one of the most popular rap artists in the history of music isn't worth your time.

    Anyone with differing views for that matter. Imagine if everyone in the world were so close minded.

    None of you have proved anything.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 23, 12:57 AM
    No one is concluding that there was a single "bang," and I'm certainly not conflating anything. "Bang" is a metaphor, and no one is relating it to the "origin of life." You're trying inflate your own ego and place your "scientific literacy" on display here by arguing a point that no one is questioning.

    You certainly have been dancing around it throughout this thread:

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 04:59 AM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    If your still under some illusion of how tech savy they are read through the macrumors forums...... and remeber they are the more tech savy ones!

    I have moved every family member over to mac who has no idea about computer, they are happy. The people I know who work in IT, develop and are really tech savy, still have a PC (and an android, some have both android and iphone)

    Love those misconceptions. Good going. Right one for you.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 10:43 AM
    That's true. I think, though, if anything, the hatred of another religion was a pretty strong motivational force in the US armed forces since 9/11. Especially right after, when many people joined up to fight the Muslims who attacked the USA.

    Would attribute that to a personal religious motivation as opposed to an institutional one. Muslims serve in the US forces as well.

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 10, 03:50 PM

    (Don't be offended if I repeat myself a few times, I want to make sure everyone gets it. Not trying to say anything about you in particular.)

    Anyway, you missed my point. I know very well that the G4 is at a hardware disadvantage. I pretty much said that when you see a G4 being beat by margins greater than 4x or 5x, then you can be pretty sure there is ALSO, note ALSO, a software disadvantage. Hopefully everyone will see what I meant that time. :)

    I'm glad to see that many people here agree that the G4 isn't really a faster chip than the x86 competition, but I want to see moderation and understanding of the "benchmarks" that have popped up showing an unbelievably bad situation for the G4.

    Remember folks, if the test shows a G4 slower than a P4 per clock cycle then the test probably is handing the software advantage to the P4. Note, for perfect clarity, that I said per clock cycle performance and not overall performance.

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  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 10:23 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.

    First of all, with subscription models, Apple doesn't have a constant income vs content distributed ratio. They'll lose money on those who use it a lot and only *maybe* gain on those who don't. This is as opposed to the current model where Apple earns a lot of money on those who use it a lot, not as much on those who don't, but are least it's the same rate, no matter who you are. Non-subscription models offer more freedom.

    I'm pretty sure that if you want to watch a show, Apple wants you to buy it from them at full price. That way they don't have to deal with whoever might be watching a ton of shows vs those who aren't. They ensure their profitability this way.

    ...and when it comes to iTunes Music, their profit margins are slim to begin with.


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  • Lacero
    Mar 20, 09:59 PM
    Apple will need to add a few extra Xserves to add DRM to the files before it uploads it to the end user. More bandwidth and processing power required to circumvent this hack. Or, iTMS would require post authentication to authorize the purchase or the user account gets suspended.

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  • Aduntu
    Apr 24, 12:29 AM
    Where does the Bible say that we have free will? Did not God predefine all actions?

    Also, why does everything in the universe operate as if there were no god(evolution, big bang, evil, starvation)? Is God lazy?

    If the bible really taught that God predetermined everything, wouldn't that mean that God intended for Adam and Eve to sin, resulting in thousands of years of turmoil for humans? If God had everything already planned, what would be the point of sending his son Jesus to the earth? If he knew Jesus would remain perfect and die in that state, it would completely defeat the purpose. Jesus' death balanced the scales that were tipped by the first man and woman sinning against God and ultimately dying. If God already planned for Jesus to succeed and return to heaven, it wouldn't have been a sacrifice. It would just mean that God was orchestrating this entire history of human kind for some unknown reason. That doctrine completely contradicts the entire premise of Christianity and the bible.

    Regarding your second comment, doesn't that point equally support the argument that there really is a God? I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure it excludes the possibility of intelligent design. You said everything operates as if there was no God, but isn't it possible that God put everything in motion perfectly, not requiring recurring involvement? (The bible doesn't teach that God is responsible for the turmoil in the world. It cites man's actions as the originator of these problems. I'm not implying that God set man's problems in motion.)

    Sep 26, 12:29 AM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips? I'm all for the advancement of new technology, but I'm not forking over any money just yet.

    Seems like there's a new "just around the corner" press release/rumor every other week.

    Mar 25, 06:08 PM
    I'm far from the first or only person who has deviated from the original topic. You can either move with the discussion, or virtually everything from page 2 on is off-topic. For those of you playing at home, the goalposts have now been moved from hatred to violence to violence specifically from a catholic source to violence specifically from a "real" catholic.

    Despite your disregard for the pretext of civility, my source was wikipedia, which I did in fact cite in post #27. I'll thank you not to make unfounded accusations.

    This coming from a person who just very selectively quoted parts of my statement. I guess I shall assume the other 2.5 points I made were true?

    The irony is so thick I might choke.

    Aug 23, 10:04 AM
    I had maybe one dropped call this whole year. But I don't talk on my phone as much as someone else may.

    I had one an hour ago........and another an hour before that.

    Apr 28, 09:00 AM
    Best thing I could find

    Kudos for looking for something (seriously) -- I'd argue that it's a bit limited in scope, though:
    -Limited to America
    -Limited to adults
    -Calculating by household, with strictly boolean "yes or no" (not counting multiples)

    For example, in my house, we have 4 laptops and 1 desktop machine, but for this survey, it would only be counted as "yes" for both. Actually, it wouldn't be counted at all, since we're in England ;-)

    DVD Plaza
    Apr 13, 07:01 AM
    What isn't great is the potential loss of features. Even the littlest feature, that most people would find mundane, could be very important to editors who've become used to that feature being in their workflow

    Is this thread for real? People are all making up wild claims that features may or may not and missing, based on nothing more than Apple announcing an all new release, and then going ape about it?!

    Steve Jobs may or may not stop wearing underwear, Ooooooh ahhhhhhh let's cry about that pie in the sky crock of...

    I'm sure the sky isn't falling... From what I've read so far FCP X is THE rewrite Snow Leopard was made for, Apple have done precisely what FCP so badly needed. I for one look forward to reading all about it when people have actually used the thing.

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