
vin diesel twin

vin diesel twin. Vin-Diesel-Twin-Brother
  • Vin-Diesel-Twin-Brother

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 28, 11:20 AM
    It's too expensive. as a business, why buy an imac when I could but a dell or hp for a fraction of the price to do the same job?

    Please, don't buy Macs for your business. we IT support people love PCs, as these generate a lot of revenue for us.
    We love it every time a PC user calls us with problems and we get to charge $100's to solve them.:D

    vin diesel twin. Vin-Diesel-Twin-Brother
  • Vin-Diesel-Twin-Brother

  • p0intblank
    Sep 20, 04:38 PM
    I'm really hoping this is the iPod all over again. In other words, I hope all the naysayers here get proved wrong and the iTV becomes the new toy everyone has to have in their house.

    Apple needs to market this, by the way. Guaranteed there are tons of households willing to purchase this just to play photo slideshows on their TVs. I hope Apple can get the message across. I want as many people possible to recognize what a great product this is going to be.

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin rother paul.
  • vin diesel twin rother paul.

  • Groovey
    Aug 30, 03:48 AM
    I think people are missing the point....

    Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.

    I know I don't :cool:

    Is 99 for your year of birth? It's not like there's ten of them. You've probably had too many nightmares about Woodstock.

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin rother paul.
  • vin diesel twin rother paul.

  • Blackcat
    Mar 19, 04:51 PM
    It's not just iTunes, but all copyright law. A CD is a license to use the track, not ownership of the song's music or lyrics. An AAC from iTunes is the same. Same with movies and software, etc. In any situation, you are buying a license to use the song, not to take ownership of the song (unless you're buying the *rights* to a song, then you really do own it).

    I'd like to see the RIAA, or in my case BPI, try to revoke the license on the 200 CDs I own simply because I've ripped them to my HDD to load onto my iPod. Removing the DRM to load songs I have purchased onto my phone, media streamer or Panasonic digital music player seems very similar to me, as does buying them without DRM.

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin brother paul
  • vin diesel twin brother paul

  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 04:14 PM
    If this is all iTV is going to offer for $249 then forget it.

    I'll just use a cable to hook my laptop to my TV.

    Voila! I just replaced iTV for less than $5.00.Price for me $1099 cheapest MacBook plus $5 cable $1104. I think I'll take the $249.

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin paul vincent.
  • vin diesel twin paul vincent.

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:00 PM
    ALL Catholics are called to chastity. 100% of them. It's too bad you don't know what the word means.

    And I can't think of a better way to get a whole bunch of children raped by 'chaste' Catholic priests.

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin paul vincent.
  • vin diesel twin paul vincent.

  • mr. who?
    Apr 13, 07:48 AM
    What are the chances that Logic X will be released around the same time?

    Would be awseome, but I doubt it.

    vin diesel twin. Diesel first started to turn
  • Diesel first started to turn

  • elbirth
    Oct 25, 04:08 PM
    Just noticed Apple has added 750GB HDs to the Mac Pro configure page recently. Only a few weeks left 'til the Dual Clovertown Mac Pros ship.

    2.33GHz C2D MacBook Pros announced yesterday shipping today. Only MacBook & mini left to complete the Core 2 Duo transition. Should be all in place by Thanksgiving including 8-core Mac Pro. Very exciting. :)

    Yeah, I saw someone talking earlier about the addition of the 750GB drives... this gives me a new dilemma of deciding between 2 drives. I suppose price will be my deciding factor overall... I just want my 8 cores!

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin paul vincent.
  • vin diesel twin paul vincent.

  • Cromulent
    Apr 24, 11:06 AM
    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY correct interpretation, right? What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"

    Well in that case anything could be classed as Christianity. Frankly I find that absurd. What's the point of identifying as a Christian if any interpretation of Christianity is considered OK? You may as well just call yourself a spiritualist as it would be closer to the truth.

    I mean that kind of logic just annoys me no end. Either God exists or he does not. If he does exist one must assume that he intends the Bible to be read literally. If he didn't then why did he go through the whole bother of having it written by the disciples in the first place if people were just going to change and reinterpret it willy nilly based on whatever the current political or social ideals of the time are?

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin paul vincent.
  • vin diesel twin paul vincent.

    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    And so is this new version $299 which is a deal compared to the $999 for FCS. Heck MSRP on FCE is $199 so with a student discount this new version is very reasonably priced. Which leads me to think this is probably a stand alone app and it does not include all the goodies of FCS like DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, etc..

    Is this correct thinking?

    And if so does this mean that FCS will be broke into apps? How much for the other apps?

    Hurry up and wait, the apple way.

    vin diesel twin. Vin Diesel for Lovers.
  • Vin Diesel for Lovers.

  • Xapplimatic
    Aug 29, 03:46 PM
    Why not target the bigger fish first? Too hard a target? Microsoft in its CD replication factories, Dell in its TV/monitor and board manufacturing facilities surely put out hundreds of tons of more toxic wastes than all of Apples productions combined. Why not start there?

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin paul. paul
  • vin diesel twin paul. paul

  • deannnnn
    May 5, 05:46 PM
    i live in one of att's top 3 markets and havent dropped a call for a year. and both me and my dad (who also doesnt drop calls) are on the phone a lot.

    for all the people saying they have a bad signal just in your house its your own fault. not att's.

    also to this chart thing i bet most of the people on that chart are att haters just cause the iphone is att only. FYI dont get a phone if its service doesnt work near you. you have no right to complain if there are other carriers to choice.

    My phone doesn't work on the street in New York.
    That's not AT&T's fault?

    Coverage tends to be better in America's suburbs like say... Long Island?

    vin diesel twin. Vin Diesel (43)
  • Vin Diesel (43)

  • SwiftLives
    Mar 13, 02:06 PM
    It's a good thing he lives in Chrleston, SC. ;)

    Saved by the typo! Yesssssss!

    I'm much less worried about a the reactors onboard Naval submarines. Those can be moved or anchored in the threat of a hurricane, and are less likely to have bad things happen in an earthquake.

    Ironically, nuclear reactors provide just over 50% of South Carolina's power. The two in this state are near Columbia and Greenville. Coal provides around 40%.

    vin diesel twin. paul vincent vin diesel twin
  • paul vincent vin diesel twin

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 02:06 PM
    Please demonstrate specific Islamic principles to this then.

    I have never been to a Muslim country, but I am sure the results are amplified outside of North America ... I have worked with many Muslims here in Canada ... I have never met even one that was not completely controlling over their spouse or daughters.

    20 years ago I had never heard of a Father murdering their Daughter because she was dressing "too western"

    Thanks EdifyingG ... I was not going to look up all that ... pretty much sums things up

    vin diesel twin. vin diesel twin
  • vin diesel twin

  • DeepDish
    Aug 29, 11:16 AM
    Hmm. Gut feeling's all very well, but Apple obviously do a great job of marketing themselves as a friendly green company and we may go round believing that without evidence, and it looks as if the figures don't back them up.

    danielwsmithee is right.

    Dell boxes have a shorter life span and need to be replaced more often. Dell sells a lot more CRTs than Apple does.

    At work, we never throw out a mac. But the pc boxes get replaced often.

    This report is about getting "big press"

    vin diesel twin. what does vin diesel twin
  • what does vin diesel twin

  • caity13cait
    Sep 23, 07:31 AM
    I've noticed a lot of people going on about the iTV being 802.11n compatible. What I want to know is how is this going to be incorporated into wireless networks that are currently supporting 802.11 a,b & g. If it is going to be 802.11n then we are all going to need new routers to accommodate the higher transfer rate, and what about all those individuals possessing an imac / mac mini with built in wireless with no way to upgrade to the new standard without getting new machines or additional hardware. its going to be an expensive upgrade on top of the $299 price for an iTV
    IT is backwards compatable. Unfortunately if the iTv requires it for larger hd files in the future it may be a problem. I am not sure how far along Apple is on 802.11n but it seems to me if they are going to require it they better start putting it in computers soon. I know I would be pissed if I bought a computer and then had the iTv come out a month or two later and I owned an out of date computer already.

    vin diesel twin. Vin Diesel and MTV Mtv Trl
  • Vin Diesel and MTV Mtv Trl

  • Ugg
    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    The small ones, like satellites dishes. You can buy them at Jaycar.

    Pretty much like a weather vein or TV aerial. Provides a couple of hundred watts at 24V or 12V. I was thinking about one for if there is ever a blackout (ie a drunk hitting a power pole, it's happened) instead of needing a petrol generator.

    Every home generating 500W of their own wind power with one of these little things on their roof in a city of Los Angeles with a million homes = 500,000,000 watts. As well as a solar panel at 500W too is up to a billion watts not required from any central power source.

    California is making great strides in this area. Through creative financing, tax breaks, and fairly high electric rates, quite a few people have solar. It's especially important here in the summer when electricity use is at its greatest.

    However, the one thing that nobody has brought up is that evil word..... CONSERVATION

    Not using electricity is a lot cheaper all around than building a new power plant, no matter the fuel source.

    vin diesel twin. and Vin Diesel The
  • and Vin Diesel The

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:01 PM
    Yes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.

    The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)

    I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.

    FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.

    Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..

    But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.

    So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..

    Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.

    You're assuming that if you didn't see a demo of it, it doesn't exist. iMovie has titling built in. They didn't demo titling this evening. Therefore, you're presuming this app has less titling than iMovie!

    That seems pretty silly.

    vin diesel twin. Roberto Carlos - Vin Diesel
  • Roberto Carlos - Vin Diesel

  • G58
    Feb 17, 05:45 AM
    That is pretty delusional talk right there. The iPhone is I can tell you that I like the iPhone UI better but that is where it ends. The droid marketplace is better or will become better (mostly because it is open source). I have already seen some apps that do a better job than their counterpart on the iPhone. Now don't get me wrong, the App Store has SO MANY more choice but it wouldn't surprise me if this quickly changes. The Android Marketplace is still relatively new....

    It's a bit rich calling people delusional and then coming out with with wish list statements as if they're bound in volumes of 'The Future History of Smartphones vol ll'

    The Android market has potential, but only for as long as lazy phone manufacturers, who have never learned how to do operating systems and software, are happy to grab a freebie. This situation is the same as you or me going to a fair and picking up a free dev copy of some new software... and then running a business off its capabilities. No license fee! That's the attraction.

    The saved costs derived from having much lower in-house dev costs and shorter route to market make Android a gift. But not without major issues. CylonGlitch [above] makes this very valid point:

    "... as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, . . . "

    "How the heck is a developer supposed to support that many different devices? Even if there were 5 different screen resolutions, it would be hard to optimize your app for each. Now different RAM configurations, different CPU's, different everything, OUCH."

    It's a ludicrous state of affairs. A wet dream for the armchair geek maybe, but for the non geek buyer, the proposition is entirely different. It already gives me a headache just thinking about it.

    With the iPhone, Apple have demonstrated one of the oldest marketing principles still holds true in the 21st Century. If you give people three models to choose from with two colour options, you make the proposition simpler.

    But all other manufacturers are still depending on the old marketing model of offering a bewildering array of models to try and catch the entire market. Now, that model has failed already - because it doesn't work. The market is automatically diluted. So why are they still using it?

    speedriff [also above] has decided Steve Jobs is a "douche" because he's being "hardheaded" over Flash, while "Other manufacturers are giving AMOLED screens and are getting better and better."

    Apple make more profit from all their products than anyone else. One way they do this is by waiting until they can demand a very high proportion of a large enough production of a component [NAND flash memory, screens etc] at the most competitive price, or can manufacture in-house [CPUs]. That's not just good business, it's vital for long term survival.

    Wait until June this year and we'll see the new iPhone with a longer [HD aspect ratio] OLED screen. And HTML5 is the future. in reality, Adobe are better candidates for the 'douche' epithet here. If Flash had fewer issues, maybe Apple would add it.

    What you need to understand is that Apple is better at seeing, predicting and exploiting the WHOLE picture, than any other company in this game. And anyone who seriously thinks a disparate group of not for profit developers and a market full of lazy manufacturers with a 19th Century sales mentality are going to win this one, is simply not even looking at it properly.

    Mar 13, 02:22 PM
    Japans main problem, at this time, seems to be that someone thought it was a good idea to build the plants on the Pacific Rim (Yes, I am well aware that the West Coast of the United States lies on the Pacific Rim). A majority of the problems Japan faces currently appear to stem from the earthquake and the fact that the plants were dated and not built to withstand the magnitude of the quake (they were built to within a 7.5 quake, no?).

    From what I heard, it wasn't the quake that was the problem, it was the Tsunami that destroyed the backup generators that were supposed to maintain the cooling system. After that the cooling system defaulted to battery power, which drained within 8 hours. After that the overheating started.

    I think if the engineers who designed the plant paid as much attention to protecting the backup generators as they did to protecting the reactors, there'd be no issues right now.

    Jul 12, 05:38 PM
    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).

    prove it. links , otherwise this is FUD.

    Apr 21, 04:38 AM
    Its amazing how all those "smart" Android users are still poorer than the average iOS user, and spend less than the average iOS user.

    Amazing that all these "smart" people just make so much less money...

    I've browsed these forums for a while and used to post under a different name until I started work for a certain company which shall remain nameless! But this has to be one of the most pathetic comments I've ever read on here.

    May 30, 09:59 PM
    I drop so many calls on AT&T 3G that it's a joke. I drop basically no calls on AT&T EDGE. Seattle, here.

    Mattie Num Nums
    May 2, 09:26 AM
    So make it unsafe, it's not a rocket science, cowboy.

    You're awfully sensitive about this issue, chief.

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