
the new york times logo font

the new york times logo font. time magazine logo font.
  • time magazine logo font.

  • UnixMac
    Oct 12, 05:49 PM
    You guys lost me and prolly (I like that, Prolly) about 90% of this forum....

    have fun, and lets see how many pages you can get this thread to go to? I predict, 12.

    the new york times logo font. new york yankees logo font.
  • new york yankees logo font.

  • brianus
    Sep 26, 12:01 PM
    Hey here's a question: what comes after Clovertown? The roadmap is kinda confusing after that from what I've seen. When can we reasonably expect Clovertown's successor, and what will it consist of?

    I know there's a new architecture 2 years down the line, a die shrink, some multicore chips that won't be used in a Mac Pro... but can we expect any kind of real upgrade in past Clovertown, beyond mere speed bumps, or will this basically be it until '08?

    the new york times logo font. new york times font download.
  • new york times font download.

  • asdf542
    Apr 13, 05:03 AM
    Full keynote has been uploaded to YouTube -
    Part 1:

    the new york times logo font. new york times magazine logo.
  • new york times magazine logo.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 10, 11:22 AM
    Epic is garbage and their engine is garbage.

    Six of one, a half dozen of the other.

    Big name is big name.

    And yeah, really garbage. :rolleyes:

    Pretty impressive, I'd say. But it won't just be Epic. Others are and will follow. Rest assured.

    the new york times logo font. new york mets logo font.
  • new york mets logo font.

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 29, 12:59 PM
    This is a real bummer to me. I pride myself on making as little an impact on the environment as I can, but make my living using computers to make music... and I use all Apple products... so I'm feeling really guilty about this right now.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Ultimately by supporting a technology company you are helping the environment. History has already shown that enhancements in technology have almost always had a positive benefit for the environment along with enhancements to quality of life.

    For example:
    1) Old technolgy cars were seriously inefficient, wasted energy, polluted more, etc. Current technology cars are much, much better. Future technology such as fuel cells are several times more efficient.

    2) Tele-comuting has already had a positive effect. Now people are driving less, working at home more.

    3) Battery technology has gotten far more efficient with fewer environmentally hazardous materials than older battery tech. New battery tech. such as the new capacitor batteries may be completely chemical free.

    4) Modern power plants are far more efficient and environmentally friendly.

    and the list goes on in almost every industry where technological improvements have been made.

    Buying computers from Apple provides inscentives for Apple to build better faster more efficient computers along with their competitors. These computers are then used in some way to improve almost every other industry.

    the new york times logo font. New York Times. The font
  • New York Times. The font

  • R.Perez
    Mar 11, 06:06 AM
    8ft wave passed Midway Island, 6ft wave expected for Oahu. I live plenty high above sea level, and bought groceries so I am ALL GOOD.

    the new york times logo font. New+york+knicks+logo+font
  • New+york+knicks+logo+font

  • appleguy123
    Mar 24, 06:41 PM
    GENEVA (Reuters) - People who criticise gay sexual relations for religious or moral reasons are increasingly being attacked and vilified for their views, a Vatican diplomat told the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday.

    Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said the Roman Catholic Church deeply believed that human sexuality was a gift reserved for married heterosexual couples. But those who express these views are faced with "a disturbing trend," he said.

    "People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behaviour between people of the same sex," he told the current session of the Human Rights Council.

    "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature ... they are stigmatised, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted.

    "These attacks are violations of fundamental human rights and cannot be justified under any circumstances," Tomasi said.
    More@Source (

    the new york times logo font. NBC is being sued by the Font
  • NBC is being sued by the Font

  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 11, 08:21 AM
    I love building my own rig every year and it keeps me current with the ever evolving computer technology.

    Just out of curiosity, why do you build one each year?

    the new york times logo font. new york times magazine font.
  • new york times magazine font.

  • 840quadra
    Apr 28, 10:50 AM
    Uhm, I still use an iPod. It carries all my music, usable contacts and calendar now and some games. And a touch interface. You are saying that my iPod Touch is not an Ipod. Guess we need to call it iTouch after all.

    I still use a classic style iPod too, I even said that in the post you quoted.

    Apple may market the iPod touch as an "iPod", but in all reality it is just an advanced PDA that has a really good music player inside it. More of an iPod by Label, than it is by past definition.

    I think it is stretching it to call the iPod a fad. One of the defining aspects of a fad is its temporary nature. 8-10 years temporary? Everything is temporary.

    I don't think it is. There are many past examples of fads that lasted an entire decade, even longer.

    Multifunction devices (PDAs & Phones) existed during the peak of iPod popularity, however they were not sought after by the masses in the way the iPod was. Even now Apple still offers a clickwheel iPod alongside the Touch / iPhone. Because of that, you can't exactly say it has been replaced, when it is still offered (along with other smaller iPod music player offerings).

    People have been migrating away from the dedicated iPod MP3 player, since the introduction of the iPhone, and Android devices. Many of us still buy and use classic iPod music players, but it is becoming more of an enthusiast / niche market than it is mainstream.

    You may not want to call it a Fad even though it meets many of the criteria, which is fine. I am only one person with one opinion.

    Like it or not, the iPod fad (or era) is drawing to a close, it is now the turn of the iPhone / Touch (or Android) and iPad (or Tablet).

    the new york times logo font. new york yankees logo font.
  • new york yankees logo font.

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 10:08 PM
    Umm, it's called a VCR. Do you remember when that was considered illegal when it first came out? Or the cassette tape?

    OMG, you have a VCR still?! What's it like?


    Only kidding.

    Still, I don't think it's legal to videotape TV broadcasts of any form. That's why you have to pay for it on iTunes. If you want to watch it at your liesure, you have to pay for that liesure. Whether that means finding (and putting up with) a VCR and taping it (illegally) or footing the $6 for the last 3 episodes of Lost it's the price someone has to pay.


    the new york times logo font. new york knicks logo font.
  • new york knicks logo font.

  • XjeffX
    May 5, 04:54 PM
    I would be thrilled if only 4.5% of my calls were dropped. While I don't use talk on the phone much, nearly 50% of my calls end up dropping at some point.

    the new york times logo font. the new york times logo. new
  • the new york times logo. new

  • Andronicus
    Apr 28, 12:57 PM
    It doesn't matter what you think. It only matters what people are buying. Many are buying iPads for browsing/facebook/farmville instead of another HP or Dell laptop.

    And a Mac or Dell PC needs a computer to be usable. Several of them. There's a computer (maybe two) inside the disk drive that it boots from, the mouse, and any access points or routers that it uses to connect to the net. Etc.

    Well it doesn't matter what you think either then! :p

    And that's a stupid argument, I'm pretty sure 99% of people on this forum understood what I meant when I said, a computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable. :rolleyes:

    the new york times logo font. new york knicks logo font. new
  • new york knicks logo font. new

  • manman
    Mar 18, 01:56 PM
    But that doesn't make it ok to be dishonest and steal things now does it?

    I can maybe get behind the whole 'dishonest' thing, but... seriously. If I have an iphone and an ipad, and I decide to surf some sites or stream music through pandora on my ipad using tethering instead of doing those exact same actions on my phone, I'm now 'stealing' that data even though it would have been the exact same usage?

    I realize there are other scenarios you could bring up that would be more like 'taking advantage' of the system, but me personally- if I'm using the data in a way I feel is no different than I would be using with my phone, I don't have any bad conscience about it whether it's allowed or not.

    the new york times logo font. The above image shows the
  • The above image shows the

  • Octobot
    Oct 30, 07:44 AM
    Im definitely ready to upgrade to a new Mac Pro, top of the line..
    The fact that the OctoMac could be released anytime between Black Friday and MWSF is really making me anxious..

    I fear that they hold it till MW.. and I jump the gun and buy a Quad. I mean Im using a Powerbook 1.67.. and multi-tasking like crazy.. The upgrade is a must.. sometimes Im running Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Itunes, Azureus, After Effects all at the same time.. Obviously as soon as I render, coffee break!

    The quad would still kick ass.. Octo would pave the road ahead.

    Keeping my eyes peeled on any indication of the TBA Octo. :cool:


    the new york times logo font. new york mets logo font.
  • new york mets logo font.

  • entatlrg
    Mar 13, 02:04 PM
    Perfectly fine using the new designs that run safer and can even recycle their own waste. I would not have dismissed the entire car industry just because the early models lacked safety features and had high fatality and breakdown rates. It's early days still for the nuclear power industry. We do need to work on uranium mining and milling practices, however.

    Automobile safety features and breakdowns compared to nuclear disaster.


    the new york times logo font. new york times magazine logo.
  • new york times magazine logo.

  • Jason Beck
    May 3, 06:35 PM
    Someone link us some malware and viruses for OSX so we can have a looksie.

    the new york times logo font. +new+york+times+logo+font
  • +new+york+times+logo+font

  • diamornte
    Apr 13, 03:46 AM
    Is it any coincidence that the "so-called" Pros in this discussion (who have probably never even used FCP) are complaining about the Interface simply because it looks like iMovie, and so therefore must be "cheap/un-professional"?

    You can't assume they've never used FCP. FCP is so readily available in the Post Production World, seems that everyone's got a copy of it at home whether it's the student edition or pirated.

    the new york times logo font. the new york times logo
  • the new york times logo

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 01:21 PM
    Something else to note - the most likely reason greenpeace is pissed of is becaue of this "withholds its full list of regulated substances." Does that really have anything to do with how environmentally friendly they really are? No - does that make greenpeace mad that they aren't being "respected" by Apple? Yes. Enough to make them 4th worst? Absolutely...
    You make an interesting point. My counter: Why are Apple not releasing the full list of regulated substances? Do they have something to hide?

    the new york times logo font. new york yankees logo font.
  • new york yankees logo font.

  • AriX
    May 2, 09:40 AM
    haven't seen this malware first hand, but a zip file can be made with absolute paths, making "unzipping" the file put everything where it needs to be to start up automatically on next log in/reboot.

    Who's the brainiac who made zip files "safe" ?

    Archive Utility will not extract these type of ZIP files to their system paths. I believe it will force the use of relative paths. I really doubt any reports that this malware can be installed without user interaction.

    Apr 10, 06:46 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Two ways come to mind:

    1. Make a folder called "Favorite Apps" or whatever.
    Add it to the Dock by dragging it there.
    Put aliases to your favorite apps there.

    You can do this with any number of folders, so you can make collections of related tools (e.g. Video Favorites, Writing Favorites, whatever). You can also arrange the tools in sub-folders. I've done this for years with a DevTools folder of development-tool applications.

    2. System Preferences > Appearance pane.
    At "Number of recent items" make sure 10 or 15 or whatever Applications is enabled.
    Apple menu > Recent Items > Applications
    The designated number of recently opened applications will be listed.

    Aug 29, 11:21 AM
    Besides, I said that Apple is doing what they can.

    Actually, the last shareholder meeting had the vote to start the computer recycling program. The board of directors recommended that the shareholders vote "No" but the shareholders decided that the recycling program was important.

    I love Apple as much as the next guy, but that recommendation was irresponsible and backwards. Apple deserves this bad press.

    [edited to fix the quote. i quoted the wrong post]

    Mar 13, 11:45 AM
    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need. Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives.

    And this is what I dislike about the pro-nuclear rhetoric. This is not true at all. Geo thermal energy. Cleaner, cheaper, safer than nuclear by magnitudes.

    A nuclear power station is just a steam turbine fueled by poisonous rocks instead of carbonized trees as a heat source. I believe the iPad app version of Popular Science has an illustrated article about an test plant using geothermal heat instead to run steam turbines.

    Apr 12, 10:15 PM
    For $299, sounds like a great deal. However, folks who have just dropped $999 on FCS are going to be angry! Wonder if there will be any sort of refund issued...

    I guess I'll stick with FCS for now, since Color is great, and I know the interface. DVD Studio Pro is also quite useful, and I'm unsure how this update will affect those products.

    Oct 29, 10:05 AM
    I think what that statement is getting at is that they will definitely not be released any sooner than mid-November. (I'm assuming that's when they will be officially "released".) But how soon afterwards, you're right, is anyone's guess. Just look at what Apple has done with the C2D chips. It took them a little longer than some of its competitors to include them in the MBPs, and we still don't have them in the MacBooks. (Of course, we may never see them in the MacBooks, until Santa Rosa, who knows... :o)

    I think I remember a very long wait time for shipments when the Mac Pro was first announced. Is it likely we'll see another extensive wait time once they accept orders, even IF they announce Octo-cores in mid November? Also, on a completely different note, will this processor upgrade effect programs that worked on woodcrest processors? As in, is there a chance a program that works on woodcrest wont work on clovertown?

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