
april and may 2011 calendar printable

april and may 2011 calendar printable. printable april 2011 calendar
  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • Black94TSi
    May 5, 03:01 PM
    I live in an area where there are 4 towers within 3 miles. I have usually 2 bars in my house and 5 bars outside.

    In any given day I drop at least 60% of my calls. I will get around 10 failed calls too(goes against my minutes).

    I am a new att customer too, just signed up in November.

    I am really thinking of going back to sprint where I never had dropped or failed calls.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. may 2011 calendar blank. may
  • may 2011 calendar blank. may

  • killr_b
    Jul 12, 04:57 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:p

    And why are you here?????

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. may 2011 calendar printable
  • may 2011 calendar printable

  • Clive At Five
    Aug 29, 12:40 PM
    no no no no no.

    The things that are bad for the environment are also used intensively in the PRODUCTION of materials used in computers, the Mo-Boards, the Processors, anything solid state. Sure the things contain trace amounts of Lead and other crap but they aren't nearly as harmful to the environment as, say MAKING a microprocessor. Thus, I have no idea why on Earth Intel isn't #1 based solely on the sheer volume of byproduct they produce.

    And if Greenpeace is going after PC makers, Dell, again just by their VOLUME, dwarfs Apple in toxins used in their products. Apple, however, makes a noticable effort (i.e. free disposal w/a new Mac, iPod) to ensure that people don't just toss their computers in a way that will hurt the environment. Dell has a service as well, but it isn't free.

    I think Greenpeace just spun the roulette wheel and it landed in Apple's disfavor.

    I care about the environment, but Greenpeace is out of hand. It's the little things like free disposal that make the difference. It might be what keeps some people from slipping pieces of old computers in their trash can week-by-week.

    ... oh come on, like you've never done that...


    april and may 2011 calendar printable. April 2011 Calendar printable
  • April 2011 Calendar printable

  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 10:41 PM
    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and Russia was not very open to outside help ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Irrespective of that, given that the reactor design is not the same as Chernobyl an accident of that sort is simply not possible with these reactor types. Chernobyl was a supercriticality event, a runaway nuclear reaction which is a high risk in a high positive void coefficient design like the RBMK which uses graphite as a moderator and water simply for cooling. Loss of cooling in this design leads to a nuclear explosion due to gas bubbles being less off a neutron absorber than liquid and burning graphite along with it. BWR designs such as the ones in Fukushima can't go supercritical if coolant is lost. Thus an explosion and moderator burn such as the one in Chernobyl can't happen. As such, the worst case is a local loss of containment and core melt that can lead to moderate amounts of radioactivity escaping into the immediate local environment. A widespread contamination over hundreds of square miles is simply not possible. As such, the current news reporting is irresponsible spreading of half baked information and knowledge and nothing but fearmongering.
    The same goes for some of the BS that is being posted about Germany's reactors or other reactors in western Europe for that matter. Western EU countries do not use RBMK type technology or other high positive void coefficient designs, the only ones that still do is the Czech Republic and a few other former Soviet countries and these reactors are being phased out and being replaced by modern LWR and other designs with western aid.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. May 2011 Calendar Formats
  • May 2011 Calendar Formats

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:24 PM
    The Eye Home does not have Component and HDMI inputs.

    Wireless isn't built in.

    It's not an Apple product that will work better with Front Row than Eye Home will.

    Not completely accurate... EyeHome has component out - with a pretty decent 1080i Software Upconvert over Component to an HDTV set...

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. may 2011 calendar printable
  • may 2011 calendar printable

  • Silentwave
    Jul 13, 08:35 AM
    and to the whole merom/conroe debate......ok so Merom is more power efficient. Wonderful. As said a few posts ago, the iMac has the potential for real cooling. I don't care if there is little to no noticeable difference due to the faster FSB, it is there. I don't care if its not faster-per-mhz, because here the MHz DOES come into play- Conroe will be faster because Conroe IS faster- Merom tops out at 2.33GHz and Conroe has 2.4, 2.67, and though the TDP is higher, 2.93 and by the end of the year 3.2.
    So theres no need to say all that stuff- fact of the matter is you could put a faster chip in for the same price.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Printable Calendar 2011 2012
  • Printable Calendar 2011 2012

  • The Beatles
    Apr 9, 11:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Govt SCUM!! (lol jk :D)

    No need to soften the blow, I think your right on target.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Free January 2011 Calendar
  • Free January 2011 Calendar

  • munkery
    May 2, 01:38 PM
    That's what I'd like to know. I can't even open HTML pages downloaded from my own website without OS X warning me before opening it, and yet this story makes it sound as if the file contained in the zip is somehow launching on its own without any user notification. Sounds like BS to me. What is the source for this?

    It decompressed the zip file and executes code to launch an installer. This is considered a safe action because the user still has to continue to run the installer.

    Installation of MacDefender via the installer requires password authentication by the user.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. calendar 2011 april may.
  • calendar 2011 april may.

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 11:29 PM
    *facepalm* Apple can go around skewing the numbers in their favor however they want (throwing in iPad's, iTouch, etc.), but the fact is both in the US and Worldwide, Android has the largest Smart Phone user base. So why would Google want to throw in the towel?

    Apple didn't skew any numbers. Apple didn't provide these numbers. They had nothing to do with it.

    That said, how are the numbers skewed? When counting OS market share do you treat 13" notebooks differently than desktops? Or do you add everything up?

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Free Printable Calendar 2011
  • Free Printable Calendar 2011

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 21, 02:05 AM
    In other news Steve Jobs still scared of the pure domination of Android in the smartphone market.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Number four april calendar pgl
  • Number four april calendar pgl

  • munkery
    May 2, 06:40 PM
    Bugs are not flaws in a security model. They have nothing to do with "Unix security" being better. Stop hammering that point, it's not even valid.

    Bugs are flaws in the overall security model. Part of an OSs security model includes the implementation of exploit mitigations. The best exploit mitigation is to have as few bugs as possible. Obviously, in relation to privilege escalation, OS X has far fewer bugs.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. march 2011 blank calendar
  • march 2011 blank calendar

  • darkwing
    Aug 29, 11:51 AM
    These groups don't care at all about the environment. They only want to hinder businesses. These are the same groups that protest plans and lobby politicians to stop building power plants and refineries so the existing ones can be over worked (lower efficiency) and not allow for downtime for maintenance, further lowering efficiency. These groups have an agenda that has nothing to do with the environment. I believe that Apple does just fine, as do many other companies. I'll gladly buy my Merom MBP and sell my Rev E 17" pbg4 as soon as Apple makes it available to me. :)

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. 2011, April 2011, May 2011
  • 2011, April 2011, May 2011

  • dudemac
    Mar 19, 07:48 AM
    So getting to my point, it would seem like this guy is spending a lot of energy trying to piss off media corporations. The only conclusion I can see is that he wants the attention. Flirting with lawsuits sounds as crazy as publishing trade secrets on your website. :D There's also this pro-Real Networks thing I think I am getting from his site, but that's for another thread...

    Actually from what I know about the DCESS thing is that he is just a linux geek who wants to use mainstream products on his linux box. It has nothing to do with attention or media companies.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april events · may 2011
  • april events · may 2011

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:37 PM
    They should have just called this iMovie pro, because that's what it is. So, Apple Color is left to die the death of Shake, huh? Wow, crazy.

    I think you missed the color correction on ingest, non-destructive color correction, and one-click color correction feature announcements. Color is not dead, it is just no longer a separate app. The entire app is re-written with color matching integrate to the app, and color correction as well, it sounds like.

    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    This is what you wanted to believe and so this is all you see. Since people were saying essentially the same thing before anything had been announced, you're not going to be getting much sympathy.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Printable May 2011 Calendar
  • Printable May 2011 Calendar

  • Umbongo
    Sep 26, 09:41 AM
    Anyone know the current price of each 2.66GHz Woodcrest? I just got up and am too lazy to Google yet.

    At $851 seems like the 2.33GHz Clovertown is not all thaat expensive.


    Intel Clovertown Xeon Processor

    X5355 2.66GHz 1333MHz 8MB $1172
    E5345 2.33GHz 1333MHz 8MB $851
    E5320 1.86GHz 1066MHz 8MB $690
    E5310 1.60GHz 1066MHz 8MB $455

    per / 1000 cpu purchased



    Here is the current price of Woodcrest...

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. printable april may
  • printable april may

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 06:52 PM
    Did you even read the article you posted? The stored solar energy is drained after 8 hours. Which means if you have a day where the sun is obstructed, your city will black out.

    did you actually read my post? Centralized solar would just be one part.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Calendar+2011+april+may
  • Calendar+2011+april+may

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 06:51 AM
    NHK World is reporting "the govt's nuclear and industrial safety agency has announced it believes Japan's first ever nuclear meltdown has now occured at plant #1".

    Edit - oddly enough it was just a simple statement. There is so much other news to report and video to show about the quake and tsunami damage that we have this bizarre situation where something that would otherwise dominate the news is just another byline at the moment if/until it gets worse.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. CALENDAR 2011 MARCH APRIL MAY

  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 11:32 AM
    Anyone hear of Apple going the opposite direction with the Xeon.
    i.e. how about a single dual-core?To be more clear...
    Mac Pro with 1 dualcore Xeon?

    A whole line of Mac Pro's then
    2 cores
    4 cores
    8 coresSingle Dual Core is out of the question. We're way past wanting-needing less than 4-cores. Xeon are made to be used in pairs. What you probably mean is discussed above - a single 4-core Kentsfield processor ( in a Conroe motherboard. Some of us hope that will be a sub $2k offering next year.

    More like:
    4 cores 2006
    8 cores 2007
    16 cores 2008
    32 cores 2009
    64 cores 2010

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. may calendar Great april
  • may calendar Great april

  • Stella
    Aug 29, 03:53 PM
    Why not target the bigger fish first? Too hard a target? Microsoft in its CD replication factories, Dell in its TV/monitor and board manufacturing facilities surely put out hundreds of tons of more toxic wastes than all of Apples productions combined. Why not start there?

    Really, I thought it was a survey that happened to find Apple not so Green amongst other companies. Anything that puts Apple in a bad light is automatically deemed as "Singling out Apple".

    I for one welcome this kind of thing - it names and shames.

    Apr 15, 12:46 PM
    gay behaviour was tolerated in Rome though lesbian behaviour was not.

    Not if you believe HBO! All Roman women were raging lesbians (or at least bi-sexual).
    The hunky men, not so much… *sigh*

    Nov 3, 04:41 AM
    OK to swerve this thread back on topic, what if Apple is planning to unleash a massive multi-core assault and fill that big middle gap in the lineup at the same time?
    Here's the theory;
    January Macworld Steve unveils the 8 core Mac Pro, no surprises there, shows off the massive power using Leopard demo's etc. Great for Pro's (like Multimedia and myself) but not much use to the average guy. Prices stay the same or even rise slightly, after all, we are talking 8 cores here. Previously you needed to spend $7-8k to get that kind of power. But what if the one more thing was a Kentsfield Mac Pro (using the C2Q6600), a i975 Mb with DDR2 ram, etc, etc . Sloting into that $1400-2000 zone? I dont see this competing with the iMac, esp. since you get a 24" screen with your $2000 iMac. It's just another choice. Use the same case, make it black or something, but you now have
    Mac Mini 2 cores
    iMac 2 cores + Widescreen display
    Mac Prosumer 4 cores + upgradeable
    Mac Pro 8 cores for ultimate power.

    Sounds good......:)

    Feb 28, 01:02 AM
    Erm.. you're being closed minded.

    Mar 27, 06:18 PM
    According to the APA there is no sound science behind conversion therapy.

    Some quotes from Nicolosi:

    �If the father drops the kid and the kid gets brain damage, at least he�ll be straight. Small price to pay.�

    �When we live our God-given integrity and our human dignity, there is no space for sex with a guy.�

    �I do not believe that any man can ever be truly at peace in living out a homosexual orientation.�

    May 17, 08:31 AM
    I get dropped calls constantly. I'd say it's approaching 50% of the time. I am not even in a rural area at all. My phone will say 3-4 bars and then when I go to make a call, it dropps down to 0-1 bars. I just turned in on, just now and it showed 4 bars, and then it dropped to 2 bars immediately. I think their software is trying to be optimistic or something. It's like magic!

    I just did it again, 5 bars! then drops to 2. and now 3..., go make a call, sometimes it goes through and other times not.

    It's so screwy. I'll find a good place in the house and it will work for 5 minutes and then just drop, so I'll move to another part of the house and finish the call. Sometimes I go outside, and it still drops.

    I had Verizon for about 4 years before this and never experienced a dropped call, ever! and I travelled a lot more in the car back then.

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